
All posts for the month December, 2014

Raise her…

Published December 18, 2014 by hrhdana

I want to raise a warrior woman.
I want to invite her to have dominion over
her own mind
her body,
her time.
I want to raise her strong and whole.
I want to teach her that her beauty was a gift from God
but her heart is the most important part.
I want her to be fair.
I want her to care.
I want her to share.
I want her to live. I want her to be HERE!

There are lessons I will have to teach
that run contrary
to the goals you see
but reality
is real, you see.
And in this country
there are ugly lessons I will have to teach
for her own safety
it sickens me.

I want to raise a warrior woman.
I want her spirit to be unbreakable.
I want her to believe her dreams are all attainable.
I want to her to know she IS capable.
I want to invite her to have dominion over
her own mind,
her body,
her time.
I want to raise her strong and whole.

Now baby girl you stand up tall,
invisible crown can never fall,
own the spaces you inhabit, have it all
princess isn’t just a name you are called.
But when you see those flashing lights
forget your warrior spirit and comply.
If you find that you need help
access the situation yourself.
Call family first. We will come through
help you figure out what to do.
But if an officer stops you
just comply. I’ll fight for you.

I want to raise a warrior woman.
I want her spirit to be unbreakable.
I want…
I want…
I want…
my baby to live.
